Battling Bias in AI: Models for a Better World

Battling Bias in AI Models for a Better World

The role of synthetic data At Datactics, we develop and maintain a number of internal tools for use within the AI and Software Development teams. One of which is a synthetic data generation tool that can be used to create large datasets of placeholder information. This was initially built to generate benchmarking datasets as another […]

Battling Bias in AI: Models for a Better World Read More »

Outlier Detection – What Is It And How Can It Help In The Improvements Of Data Quality? 

Outlier Detection

Identifying outliers and errors in data is an important but time-consuming task. Depending on the context and domain, errors can be impactful in a variety of ways, some very severe. One of the issues with detecting outliers and errors is that they come in many different forms. There are syntactic errors, where a value like

Outlier Detection – What Is It And How Can It Help In The Improvements Of Data Quality?  Read More »

Rules Suggestion – What is it and how can it help in the pursuit of improving data quality?  

rules suggestion

Written by Daniel Browne, Machine Learning Engineer Defining data quality rules and collection of rules for data quality projects is often a manual time-consuming process. It often involves a subject matter expert reviewing data sources and designing quality rules to ensure the data complies with integrity, accuracy and / or regulatory standards. As data sources

Rules Suggestion – What is it and how can it help in the pursuit of improving data quality?   Read More »

The Open University talk: Business Ethics | 17/02

Business Ethics

Matt Flenley, Marketing and Partnerships Manager at Datactics will be speaking this week at The Open University, delivering a talk on Business Ethics. The talk is going to cover four things: The impact of unintended and cultural bias in machine learning  What to do if your business loses or has no soul Corporate Social Responsibility – Looking after people when the

The Open University talk: Business Ethics | 17/02 Read More »

The Open University Business Ethics talk & Datactics

Business Ethics

Matt Flenley, Marketing and Partnerships Manager at Datactics will be speaking this week at The Open University, delivering a talk on Business Ethics. Prior to The Open University, we thought it would be a good idea to have a chat and find out why this topic, what other views he hopes to talk about, and the importance of business ethics,

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AI Con 2020 Interview with Dr. Fiona Browne and Matt Flenley


Dr. Fiona Browne, Head of AI, and Matt Flenley, Marketing and Partnerships Manager at Datactics are contributing to AI Con 2020 this year.    After a successful first year, AI Con is back! This year it’s said to be bigger and better than ever with a range of talks across AI, including AI/ML in Fintech; AI in the public sector; the impact of arts; the impact of

AI Con 2020 Interview with Dr. Fiona Browne and Matt Flenley Read More »

How can banks arm themselves against increasing regulatory and technological complexity? – FinTech Finance


Datactics Head of Artificial Intelligence, Dr. Fiona Browne, recently contributed to the episode of FinTech Finance: Virtual Arena. Steered by Douglas MacKenzie, the interview covered the extent of the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) fines currently faced by banks over the last number of years and start to unpack what we do at Datactics in relation to

How can banks arm themselves against increasing regulatory and technological complexity? – FinTech Finance Read More »

All things AML and FinTech Finance: Virtual Arena – weekly round-up


We started by looking at why data matching is a key part of any AML & KYC process. It’s made more complex by the different standards, languages, and levels of quality in the different data sources on which firms typically rely on. It’s expensive too: a recent Refinitiv article states that some firms are spending up to

All things AML and FinTech Finance: Virtual Arena – weekly round-up Read More »

EDM Talks: Lifting the lid on the problems that Datactics solves


Recently we partnered with the EDM Council on a video that investigates the application of AI to data quality and matching. In this EDM Talk, we lift the lid on how our AI team is developing solutions to help our clients, especially in the area of entity matching and resolution. This plays an important role in on-boarding, KYC and obtaining a single

EDM Talks: Lifting the lid on the problems that Datactics solves Read More »

Datactics contributes to Bank of England and FCA’s AI Public-Private Forum

AI Public-Private Forum

Belfast, London, New York, 12th October 2020 Datactics is pleased to announce that its Head of AI, Dr Fiona Browne, has been invited to participate in the Artificial Intelligence Public-Private Forum, joining 20 other experts from across the financial technology sectors as well as academia, along with the observers from the Information Commissioner’s Office and

Datactics contributes to Bank of England and FCA’s AI Public-Private Forum Read More »

Part 2: Self-service data improvement is the route to better data quality

The route to better data quality – It’s easy to say that planning a journey has been made far simpler since the introduction of live traffic information to navigation apps. You can now either get there faster, or at the very least phone ahead to explain how long you’ll be delayed. It’s just as easy

Part 2: Self-service data improvement is the route to better data quality Read More »

IRMAC Reflections with Dr. Fiona Browne


There is a lot of anticipation surrounding Artificial Intelligence (Al) and Machine Learning (ML) in the media. Alongside the anticipation is speculation – including many articles placing fear into people by inferring that AI and ML will replace our jobs and automate our entire lives! Dr Fiona Browne, Head of AI at Datactics recently spoke at an IRMAC (Information

IRMAC Reflections with Dr. Fiona Browne Read More »

The Three Pillars of AI

the three pillars of production AI

Recent incidents involving AI algorithms have hit the headlines, leading many to question their worth. In this article, CTO Alex Brown outlines the three pillars of AI and looks at how they each play a part in implementing AI in production. As many who work within computer science will know, many Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects fail to make the crucial

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“I want to be involved in research that helps people” – Meet Keaton, part of the “Our team” series

Keaton Sullivan is a PhD student in the AI Team who joined us just over three weeks ago. He’s been contributing to projects and making a considerable mark on the AI Team already! We thought we would grab him for a chat to find out how he has found working in the team so far;

“I want to be involved in research that helps people” – Meet Keaton, part of the “Our team” series Read More »

“I thoroughly enjoy working in an exciting space with cutting edge technology” – Meet Dr. Fiona Browne, part of the “Our Team” series

You may be used to seeing Dr Fiona Browne (Head of AI) across our social channels, so we thought we would sit down with her and discuss, how she got into AI; what motivates her and her passion for technology. Let’s dive straight in…  Fiona, just to begin with, tell us a bit about your background…  I started my career by studying a BSc (Hons) degree in Computing

“I thoroughly enjoy working in an exciting space with cutting edge technology” – Meet Dr. Fiona Browne, part of the “Our Team” series Read More »

“I enjoy working on AI because there is a lot of advancements to be made, it’s not quite terminator level yet!” – Meet Matt, part of the “Our team” series

Matt Neill is working within the AI team and is now on Week 10 of his internship. He has been actively using his Data Science education background to put his stamp on the AI team. We thought we would grab him for a chat to unpack what he has been working on; how he got involved

“I enjoy working on AI because there is a lot of advancements to be made, it’s not quite terminator level yet!” – Meet Matt, part of the “Our team” series Read More »

“I was looking around for internships to learn different skills and find out what direction I want to go in with my career” – Meet Mary-Clare, part of the “Our Team” series

Mary Clare is working within the AI Team, she joined us in July and already has been contributing to projects and making her stamp within the AI Team. We thought we would grab her for a chat to find out how she has found her working in the team so far; what she has been

“I was looking around for internships to learn different skills and find out what direction I want to go in with my career” – Meet Mary-Clare, part of the “Our Team” series Read More »

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