Health Check from Datactics picks up coverage in Waters Technology

Waters Technology has penned an article on the new Datactics LEI Match Engine and “health check” service.

The technology can bulk match up to 1,000 LEIs simultaneously through cloud-based processing that cross-references the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation’s (GLEIF’s) entity database. Datactics developed the solution over a period of five months, using its underlying software as a framework, with the goal of automating processes and reducing the time firms spend on Mifid II and LEI projects.

We’ve had some more coverage in leading industry publication from Waters Technology, Inside Reference Data with the LEI Match Engine story below (behind paywall; registration for a trial period is free).

It’s great to see the industry echo our own experience of launching this product, with many users having registered since the launch last week!

Our free LEI Match and Health Check web portal allows you to try the time-saving entity bulk match capabilities of Match Engine against the complete  1 million+ entities in the Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF) dataset.

No LEI? No problem!

Our sophisticated algorithms perform high speed fuzzy matches on customer & counterparty name, previous entity names and address fields handling messy input data to find the right LEI in the GLEIF database.

Read more here: