A successful socially-distanced MacMillan Coffee Morning (or three!) at Datactics

Three times the opportunity, three times the traybakes..!

At Datactics, the Macmillan Coffee Morning was a great success, where thanks to the generosity of staff we managed to raise £331! We want to take this opportunity to thank the social committee here at Datactics, namely Shauna Corr and Paddy Donnelly, who played big roles in the organisation of the coffee mornings. Yes, coffee mornings! Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, in order to create a safe environment for everyone in the company to take part, three separate mornings were set aside to support this amazing cause.  

Easy to get involved, easy to support

Every year, thousands and thousands of Macmillan Coffee Mornings take place to raise awareness and accumulate funds for the Macmillan Cancer Charity. This charity does amazing work and each year people throughout the UK and further afield have the chance to sign up online. A ‘fundraising kit’ is then sent to you, including top tips and goodies making it easy to plan your physical or virtual coffee morning. The kit included a ‘how-to guide’; recipes; table cloth; bunting; cake flags; balloons and more; to get involved with MacMillan, visit their website here.

Here at Datactics, we have a strong track record of supporting causes that are close to our hearts, and with Macmillan Cancer Charity actively doing some amazing work, we were delighted to share in the national “Coffee Morning”; it’s great to see so much support for this amazing cause.

“We wanted to give something back”

We asked Paddy to give us his thoughts on why Datactics decided to take part.

“We chose to support Macmillan Cancer Support as most of us have known someone who has fought cancer. The nurses have been working especially hard this year and we wanted to give something back. Of course, one of the hardest parts of lockdown was coming up with virtual social events to keep the team connected. When we were finally allowed back in the office with new social distancing measures in place, it was a great opportunity to have an in-person event. However, there needed to be some differences to a normal coffee morning! Treats from the local bakery were individually wrapped and no more than 4 people could be in the kitchen at one time. Nevertheless, it was still great to catch up with everyone over a coffee. The event was a big success and we’re looking forward to doing this again!”,

Get involved

If you would like to donate to Macmillan, simply follow this link to directly donate to the cause here: https://www.macmillan.org.uk/donate

You can read about our next initiative here