How Datactics helps Santa with his Data Quality issues

Yes of course Santa has data quality issues! Everyone has data quality issues.

In this article, we outline how Datactics software can help Santa improve the efficiency of his pre-Christmas operations and have a stress free Christmas Eve delivery and a relaxing Christmas Day.

Data Quality Firewall, REST API, Data Quality Remediation

Datactics provides a REST API interface and “Data Quality Firewall” to allow the import of data from Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software that has scanned the children’s letters and guarantees the quality of data entering the data store. Records passing DQ criteria are automatically allowed through to Santa, while records failing DQ checks are quarantined where they can be reviewed interactively by Santa’s Elves in the Data Quality Clinic

Oh dear! Did Ellie ask for a Barbie House or a Barbie Horse? Not to worry – the Record is in quarantine and will be reviewed by an Elf who perhaps knows Ellie and can find out what she wanted, and can check against additional data sources like the latest online toy catalogues to discover what the possible matches might be. This saves the elves significant time in only having to review a smaller set of records, making the busiest time of the year far less stressful for all at the North Pole!

SVC – Single View of Child

Managing vast quantities of historical Personally Identifiable Information (PII) on his data servers in Lapland is a difficult task, but Datactics can help create a Single View of Child from the disparate data silos, normalising the data and creating a golden record for each child. This ensures that presents aren’t duplicated and more importantly keeps him compliant with GDPR.

Address Validation

The last thing Santa wants on Christmas Eve when he’s delivering to a few billion houses is to go to the wrong address, it wastes time and risks a potential present mix up. Fortunately, Datactics makes it easy to validate the children’s addresses against databases such as the Post Code Address File (PAF) and Capscan so Santa knows he’s going to the right place before he sets out.

Screening Against the Naughty List

This is not as simple as it may sound because you have to get it right or someone is going to be very upset. But using the established techniques Datactics has developed for KYC & AML screening against Politically Exposed Persons etc. Santa can screen against The Naughty List with confidence

Excitingly, it’s not only Santa who can screen against this list: everyone can try the naughty list screening for free at

Merry Christmas from everyone at Datactics!

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